Ex Muslim Communities
I’m in the UK
Imtiaz Shams Ex Muslim Communities
The UK communities started in London 2.5 years ago, and have since grown to become one of the most active Ex Muslim communities in the world. With groups in London, Leeds, Bradford, Leicester, Birmingham and Ex Muslims in every major city. You can always find someone to chat to!
The UK communities are underground, and Interfaithless’s Ex Muslim programmes is a testament to the thriving activity in these underground communities.
If you want to join email the interfaithless team at community@faithtofaithless.com or Imtiaz directly at mrpeacemeal@gmail.com.
I’m in the USA
Imtiaz Shams Ex Muslim Communities
(You’ll notice that this is the same as the post about Canada. EXMNA are North America focused, we swear we’re not confusing you with Canadians! They’re too nice
By far and by large, the best community to go to in Amreeka is EXMNA, which started off from Reddit (just like the London/UK communities). They have two sides to them, an outward facing outreach/activism side and the original inward facing community.
If you want to join, either email EXMNA at community@exmna.org or contact the interfaithless team at community@faithtofaithless.com.
I’m in Canada
Imtiaz Shams Ex Muslim Communities
(You’ll notice that this is the same as the post about the USA. EXMNA are North America focused, we swear we’re not confusing you with Americas! You’re too nice
By far and by large, the best community to go to in Canada is EXMNA, which started off Reddit (just like the London/UK communities). They have two sides to them, an outward facing outreach/activism side and the original inward facing community.
If you want to join, either email EXMNA at community@exmna.org or contact the interfaithless team at community@faithtofaithless.com.
I’m in the Middle East & Asia
Imtiaz Shams Ex Muslim Communities
The communities in various countries in the Middle East and Asia are very different, most very underground and online focused, or some with large numbers of faithless people but without set communities.
As different countries have very particular problems for Ex Muslims (including some with blasphemy and apostasy laws), this is a particular region where safe-spaces could be really beneficial.
If you want to join email the interfaithless team at community@faithtofaithless.com or Imtiaz directly at mrpeacemeal@gmail.com.
I’m an Aussie
Imtiaz Shams Ex Muslim Communities
The Australia community started at the end of 2014 and has seed communities in Melbourne, Sydney, a few Brisbaners and one Perthian (we kid, we kid).
But seriously, what’s up with Perth?
If you want to join AEM email the interfaithless team at community@faithtofaithless.com or Imtiaz directly at mrpeacemeal@gmail.com.
I’m not on this list!
Imtiaz Shams Ex Muslim Communities
Partly due to how new the offline communities are, and how underground things are, it is quite possible that you won’t be near a community that we know about. But that’s fine, even in places like the UK or USA (where you’d expect open communities), the offline communities are very new.
The online community that many of the offline communities started from was www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim. Sure, it can feel a bit intense at times (lots of differing views), but it also gives a lot of people without a place, a place.
If you want to start a community, get in touch! We can really help you find people nearby, find allies and get marketing.
If you want to join email the interfaithless team at community@faithtofaithless.com or Imtiaz directly at mrpeacemeal@gmail.com.
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