
Our helpline: 0800 448 0748

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If you are at risk of immediate physical danger please contact the Police on 999.


Please note we are a UK based organisation and are not yet able to advise on overseas cases. If you live outside the UK please contact our partner organisation: Humanists International.

If you are at risk of honour-based abuse, forced marriage or FGM please contact:


Helpline: 0207 920 6460  (09:30 – 17:30 Monday to Friday)

Call handlers speak English, Arabic, Kurdish, Farsi, Dari and Turkish.
IKWRO understand the complexities around Blasphemy and Shariah Law.

Southall Black Sisters  

Helpline: 0208 571 0800 (09:30 -16:30 Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Call handlers speak English, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati and Urdu and arrange interpretation in Somali.

If you are a British citizen at risk of a forced marriage either in the UK or overseas please contact:

The Forced Marriage Unit

Helpline: +44 (0) 20 7008 0151 /

For emergency accommodation in the UK:   Shelter

Shelter Housing Advice Line: 0808 800 4444
London: 020 7831 6562
Manchester: 0161 228 3308
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: 0191 281 0099

Specialise in helping LGBTQ:

Albert Kennedy Trust

For mental health support contact:

Samaritans   116 123     Provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress, despair or suicidal thoughts.

Saneline   0845 767 8000  6pm – 11pm offering practical information, crisis care and emotional support.

No Panic    0800 138 8889 10am – 10pm supporting people experiencing panic or anxiety.

NHS Direct 111

Faith to Faithless is a programme of Humanists UK the national charity for the non-religious that has worked to create a tolerant society where rational thinking and kindness prevail since 1896.  See the full Privacy Policy and Contact.  To learn more about Humanism, visit: HumanistsUK


Faith to Faithless is part of Humanists UK, and for our privacy policy, safeguarding policy, and legal information about us as a charity, please visit: HumanistsUK